The MANSEF schools are the primary provider of services for thousands of families with children. In summary, the nonpublic schools represent a vitally significant part of the state's educational system. For many kids whose requirements cannot be handled in the regular schools, MANSEF members are the best option. The most intense services are provided to kids with a variety of impairments at nonpublic schools, including those who have emotional difficulties, autism, multiple disabilities, learning disabilities, and intellectual disabilities.
While the decision has been taken to disband the current DCASE organization as of June 30, 2020, we are happy that the Maryland Association of Nonpublic Special Education Facilities (MANSEF) will be in charge of carrying out the purpose of DCASE and leading the advocacy work for DC kids enrolled in nonpublic schools. The two groups have a long history of cooperation when it comes to promoting a continuum of services for kids with disabilities in the area. Moving forward, the ongoing work and collaborative efforts with stakeholders will be very robust.